Youth Workers Testimonials from Belgrade

Youth Workers Testimonials from Belgrade

Here, there are presented testimonials from those who took part in the Training of Trainers in Belgrade (October 7-11, 2024), as they share their experiences, insights, and highlights from the transformative Hope Project. Stay tuned for these powerful stories!

International training workshop for youth workers

International training workshop for youth workers

After the completion of the Handbook and Training Materials, the first training session was International training workshop for youth workers organized in Belgrade, Serbia from 7th till 11th October 2024. The youth workers were trained on the project’s methodology in order to be able to transfer it to the young people they are working with at the local level. Following this training, the trained youth workers are going to transfer the knowledge acquired to local youth by organising training activities at local level with the involvement of at least 300 young people (60 per country). The training gathered all partner organizations: Aeroplio Theatre (Greece), Action Synergy, (Greece), Artpolis (Kosovo), Prona (Montenegro), World Vision (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and DAH Theatre (Serbia) who was the host. Minimum 3 people from each organization were present (two youth workers and one project manager). The five-day training engaged youth workers in a specialized methodology and skill-building program, equipping them with approaches developed during the project.In addition to enhancing their skills, the training focused on peace education, emphasizing values, attitudes and behaviors that support conflict resolution, respect for human rights and peaceful interactions. The part of the training was also a lecture by Dr Cynthia Cohen, community oral historian and piece builder from the United States as well as the presentation of the project Walls of Hope by Argentinian artist Claudia Bernardi who was the guest of the last edition of Arts & Human Rights festival organized by DAH Theatre. Last day we have dedicated to the evaluation of all training sessions. 
